He Saw The World In A Way No One Could Have Imagined
- Tagline of the oscar winning A Beautiful Mind movie.Definitely, the movie even has something more than what you could have imagined.The Film is inspired by the true life story of John Nash who suffered from scizophrenia.A very well crafted movie lead by Russell Crowe as John Nash whose life turns a nightmare and sufferings start when the truth is realised.
Jennifer Connelly, plays Russells wife, Ed Harris, Christopher Plummer in
supporting roles.The story revolves around the genius mathematician John whose life is quite lonely and different from others.His character steals the heart of his student Alicia Nash, but after their wedding , the truth about Nashs scizophrenic mind is revealed, where movie takes a turn.
Russell crowe at his best;The expressions on this face depicts his thoughtful mind with a hell lot of calculations every moment.Be it the dialogue delivery or the mannerism , Russell dominates.Other performances are equally good.Especially Connelly.Although the original story is altered a bit, the movie doesnt seem to be hampered in its turn to surprise the audiences.
Dialogues like Terrified. Mortified. Petrified. Stupefied... by you. The prodigal
roommate arrives. are memorable.
Cinematography is just brilliant.Roger Deakins takes the credits.Be it the scene of
focussing a set of chess coins or the beauty of gold tinted university, Roger stands
out.There are a very few visual effects in the film , everything done to perfection.Ron
Howard Maintains the chill throughout the movie.Playing around with such a subject must have been truly tough.
Sylvia Nasar is the one who wrote the biography of Mr.John Nash and that again sprung up into a film and Ron gave life to it with a classic crafting of characters, cinetmatography, pains and confidence.The movie is a must watch but what puzzled was why Russell wasnt given an oscar.He had put up an excellent performance.May be as Hansen(Josh Lucas) says in the movie No. They were wrong, John.