A big hello to all of u.Its me imhonest yet again writin a review after a span of almost 2 yrs. 2day, I hav cum up wid yet another movie review.Bizarre, as most of u wud find it, I must agree dat I myself had a hard time deciding whether I shud write abt this film which is more than half a century old.But it is the movies plot n Clint Eastwoods laconic type of acting dat compelled me to finally break my silence after watchin d film n present to u guys yet another review.
I chose to watch the movie owing to a couple of reasons.I heard dat dis is a short film dat spans not more dan 100 mins.so der is definitely no patience factor dat can possibly impede my watchin it.secondly, it is d Clint Eastwood factor.After watchin The Good, The Bad n The Ugly, I was greatly overwhelmed by Eastwoods work n who does not like his style! "A man of a few words" as he is popoularly known, he conveys the message in the briefest n most impressive manner n does not give his audience one moment to take d backseat. There is nothing like a toilet break wen he is in action. His fast pacedpull of the trigger continues to inspire many followin his reign like d indian star, Rajnikanth. In fact, the indian blockbustersholay which boasts of having successfully run all over d country for more than 2 yrs has its seeds in the western styled clint eastwood starrers.
Now without more rambling, I will finally unveil my review.eastwood plays a chivalrous horse rider n pays his deference to a woman by the name marisol who was forced out of her home n family by ramon who fell a prey to her pretty luks.ramon is a powerful man n backed by his brothers, controls n coordinates d operations of the Rojo gang.he is an unscrupulous man which is evident from the already cited endeavor of his to partner marisol who is wed and a mother of a little boy.At the outset, d viewers get d feeling dat eastwood is eyeing marisol, but as d plot unfolds we understand dat he has only reverence for her. the little boy often attempts to burgle into the Rojo ganghouse n pay his mum a clandestine visit, but fails to accomplish his feat owing to the tight security around the rojos hideout.eastwood witnesses d fate of the poor boy n plans to liberate marisol from the rojoss captivity.
The entire town is reeling in the hoodlum mess n der r dialogues which tell us dat d women in the town stay alone after having lost their husbands to the gang violence.In fact, eastwoods helper n aide, silvanito once warns him to leave the town before he is killed by the arms mobs.silvanito also tells him dat the cardinal occupation of the town men is fighting each other after enrolling themselves in either of the two gangs, the rojos or the baxters.Apparently, the baxters are rookies who want no violence n only long for truce wid the rojos.
Like in all his other starrers, eastwood is an epitome of nonchalance n would not capitulate to the villians intimidation.he shakes hands with d two gangs at different points of time in a bid to make a quick buck n at times manages to hoodwink both the sides by providing dem useful information gleaned from his undercover operations.one noteworthy incident involves him revealing the ugly truth behind the rojos contrived proposal for peace.that happens shortly after d rojos wreck n plunder a mexican army caravan carrying gold in exchange for weapons from the american soldiers.d rojos disguise themselves as american soldiers n massacre all d mexican soldiers who had assembled at the exchange site so dat all of the evidence whatsoever of d plunder would be obliterated.It is after dis dat ramon extends d olive branch to d baxters keeping wid d rojos own best interests ie.to avoid being interrogated for d gruesome carnage of the mexican soldiers.but eastwood disinters two of d bodies from d grave n bluffs to d rojos dat two of the soldiers managed to escape d carnage n were looking for support n assistance from d baxters n this could be a prospective deterrent to d rojos existence.hence the rojo brothers set off on their horses n engage themselves in a fierce gun battle with d baxters who were also deceived by eastwood himself, wen he suggests dat d baxters take d two soldiers hostage n in turn threaten d rojos.in d process, he wins d trust n d dollar rewards of both d parties.while d gangs fight each other at d grave site, eastwood successfully intrudes into d rojos haven n liberates marisol from d clutches of the rojos.he also extends monetary help to her n her family n ask dem to flee from d town at once, before the brothers get back to the ganghouse.rojos understand dat eastwood has tricked dem n subject him to brutal torture in an attempt to wring information from him abt marisol n her family.but he does not give in n even manages to escape from d wareshouse where he was arrested in.the rojos r infuriated after repeated instances of deceit n now attempt to ferret out eastwood out of his hiding.they conjecture dat eastwood is given refuge by the baxters.dey subsequently plan a final coup de grace on d baxters.dey open fire at every member of the baxters who even offer to surrender.d incessant n merciless firing continues until all of d baxters r wiped out.after dis onslaught, they examine d bodies only to find dat eastwood was not one of dem. realizing dat salvanito is eastwoods close aide, they begin to threaten him, seeking to know eastwoods hideout.meanwhile, eastwood catches all d violence at a safe distance.he waits until his wounds heal n he gets back in good shape, after which he can confront d rojos n pay dem their final respect.now comes d climax where eastwood again showcases his skill in handling d metal with great agility n precision.he takes down each one of the rojos who confront him.but eastwoods power is too strong to be outstripped by even all of the rojos men.d last of the rojos who attempts a guerilla warfare styled shoot at eastwood is outwitted by salvanito who pulls d trigger at d right instant to write off d fate of the rojos n subsequently instill peace n tranquillity in d town.
Now the movie comprises many cameos who entertain us intermittently during d course of d film, but d most interesting of d lot is d coffin maker who always prepares n keeps coffins ready for d town masses who r vulnerable n at risk of being shot in d arms violence.it is d coffin maker who eventually assists eastwood in his escape from the ground zero to a safe spot from where he could return after he became fit, fit enough to engage himself in THE FINAL ENCOUNTER!