this movie is basically a thriller type where sunil is doing some illegal activities and and his illegal activities records gets sidharth and he has left him and he is living a gentleman life who has evry thing in his lif and he is shy type and there is a girl in office jacqline whom he likes but wont able to tell and jacquline doesnt thinks about him because of sidharth shy and straight forward nature now sunil needs that cd of his illegal activities and action secenes starts now what hapens in last you have to see
there is alost two types of role of siddharth shy and action he is perfect for action look.a gentle man look with jacquline doesnt matche he is trying best to give such type of expression but he is not succes below average but in action look he is quite good matching with face expression
jacqline is just like supporting or to make oddians to seat in theatre no involvment in movie story without jacqline there will be no effect on movie she has very little role and when ever any fight sequence seems longer to director jacquline comes with his hi hello dialouge
sunil shetty has came back after long time and he has very good acting even darshan kumar has much better acting then siddharth and jacqline
music in this movie is very poor
this movie is shooted at diffrent locations miyami, thailand mumbai locations are awsmmmm cinematography is quite good making oddians litle bit to stay in theatre but screen play is very poor
overall if you have very much time and no work with lots of extra money if you dont have these things dont go