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This is the story of every heart
That’s the game every heart plays!
Life is made up of moments – good, bad, ugly. One moment leads to another. Will the next moment arrive? No one knows. Then why do we keep worrying for forever & cease to enjoy incumbent moments?
Do we have childhood forever? Do we have life forever? Then why do we give importance to the love that is forever and trash the love which was but is no more?
It is not difficult to find love. We can find it by opening our heart. But to have that love forever is difficult. Finding love is easy, Sustaining it is difficult!!
A Lot Like Love induced all these thoughts in me. It is a movie in which we will see protagonists loving each other for moments and never bothering about forever. When they meet for the first time, they make love in the airoplane lavatory. Then go on their separate ways. In their second meeting, which is obviously unplanned, they just spend time with each other and then when the time comes to say bye.. they say bye in a way as if they will not see each other ever again. You know how do they say bye..
Boy tries to speak up something but girl interrupts and say, ‘Don’t… You will ruin it!’
Do we ever wonder why do school time crushes are more beautiful than the mature love or relationship that we enter into after growing up? Reason is just this element of expectations and anticipations and hope for forever. School time crushes never had these elements and hence they were beautiful.
The sad part of love is that in our quest to tag our love as forever we mould the person as per our wishes and we let the amazing feeling of he-loves-me-he-loves-me-not fade away. And then start complaining that he is changed. Do we know who triggered this change?
They keep meeting and separating; and making other relationships. They never believe that they both will stay together but still keep bumping into each other. This scenario will remind us of the movie ‘When Harry Met Sally’. It has been taken on the same lines but besides this time element nothing is common to both these movies.
As this movie is about moments, its story cannot be elaborated in words. It is all about their incessant meetings and the breath-taking moments they share when together and all this time never ever bothering about forever.
Wow this was an amazing way to look at love. Probably, a lot like love!
I would like to end it with the beautiful lyrics of a beautiful song of a beautiful moment in this beautiful movie.
Link to see that beautiful moment online:
Ill be there for you - Ashton performing
I guess this time youre really leaving
I heard your suitcase say goodbye
just dont say anything
cause ill loose my nerve
As my broken heart lies bleeding
You say true love, it’s suicide
You say youve cried a thousand rivers
And now youre swimming for the shore
You left me drowning in my tears
And you wont save me anymore
I pray to God youll give me one more chance, girl
Ill be there for you
These five words I swear to you
When you breathe I want to be the air for you
Ill be there for you
Id live and Id die for you
Id steal the sun from the sky for you
Words cant say what a love can do
Ill be there for you
Ashton Kutcher - Oliver Martin
Amanda Peet - Emily Frieh
Nigel Cole
Theres nothing better than a great romance... to ruin a perfectly good friendship.
Oliver Martin: Well, if it wasnt love, it was a lot like it.
Emily Friehl: Dont... youll ruin it.
Emily Friehl: Honestly, if youre not willing to sound stupid you dont deserve to be in love.
Are there any "moments of love" that you would like to share?