A magazine with glossy pages, big hypes. Thats all. Lured by the advertisements and tempting offers, I had subscribed to this magazine a year back for a period of 3 years. After a regular mailing for about 6 months it stopped. After regularly writing to them they sent across a letter stating that I have won a prize which is yet to reach me. Well and after that they stopped mailing any letters all together.
I am however not the only victim. It seems that the nature of business of this particular magazine is first to attract subscribers by offering a subscription at an exceptionally low cost. Offering them gifts etc. The total price of these gifts, if one calculates, is more than the subscription rate that they charge. I feel that the increasing printing rate becomes a burden and so they print lesser magazines distributing them among the new subscribers.
But this is not the right way to do business. One should not promise things which they cannot fulfil. The gifts are eating away the profit and so once a while they are distributing the magazines to the older subscribers thinking no one will realise their game plan.
The consumers court is the answer for such publishing houses. The articles of the magazine are well compiled. It brings forth reviews of various industries, the markets and the economy of the country in different shades particularly the advertising sector of the economy. Unfortunately I have lost track of them. In this world of competition, the good-will is the one thing that sells. Once you lose that you have lost everything. It is a good magazine but I shall not recommend anyone to subscribe.