I bought Honda activa before four years from A One Motors, Gandhi Nagar. I bought from this because in this time activa is not available in many showroom and I wanted fasted delivery of activa for my sister. My sister wanted fasted any moped because she joined new job in private school.
A One Motors, Gandhi Nagar is located on main road and good place. It is looking good and attractive from front and inside. I visited in festival time so showroom was decorated very well. Staff gives me good response and respect. Staff was not well trained and professional. Consulting manager gives me comparison at first from last. He gives me a good price discount in price and also a gift voucher as festival offer. They gives me a fast delivery as possible and I take delivery in good time. They give a best accessories voucher for my moped.
I took this activa with the help of finance system given by A One Motors, Gandhi Nagar. This showroom gives me offer about two finance system that is good and comfortable for me. I choose a very cheapest finance system for activa.
In conclusion, I said that in this showroom I felt good tampered staff and management. All the models almost available in this showroom.