This book written by John Grisham is the slowest I have read till date.
Even my speed of reading a novel by such a great writer has been pathetic, since it looks more of a Autobiography of a 7 year old more than a Novel By a Great Writer who has written wonderful novels like the The Brethren, Rainmaker etc.
I have been reading it for last week and yet to finish it :(
Have got a couple of Books of Jeffrey Archer and shobha de in the pipeline, but I just cant live with the idea of leaving a book mid way. Moreover its not that bad either. It does makes me smile sometime when I think of myself in place of the kid in the novel :)
Sometimes I feel like if I would have started writing at that age than I would have written a wonderful Novel on the life of a Kid growing up in Bhopal (MP) which we can consider as rural India.
Anyways its a good experience knowing a lot about the culture of US of A during 1950s.