The Man man who is called as Alla Rakka Rahman is known as A.R.Rahman born in Chennai in 1967. Father name R.K.Shekar, who is famous music composser in Malayalam films. At the age of 9 A.R.Rahmans father died. After his death his family suffering and run by hiring R.K.Sekhars instruments. Because of Gods Grace A.R.Rahman became a jingle ( composing for advertisement) composser. In 1990-1992 Mr.Maniratnam who is the famous director of tamil and Indian cinema gave chance to A.R.Rahman in the filem ROJA.
By the wishes and blesainga of ALLAH he won the national award for the first film. He change the music style of tamils. Younger generation are addicted to Rahmans music ( I am also the one) . He gave superhit musics not only in tamil. Especially in Hindi, malayalam etc., He won Oscor for Slum Dog Milliobaire. We wish him a bright future, becuase this is his 50th Birthday year