This company is they one of they most unreputed companies in building industries . They have some projects in chennai and outskirts of chennai but I have booked a flat on OMR but still possession was due on 29th jan 2017 but todat im revewing this on 16th dec 2017 but still they have not delivered they flat I had paid money already and builder says 3-5 months and it will be ready .
Customer service is they worst because whenever I want to talk to a enginner on work site or call their customer care they never reply . They dont pickup call if they have your number already in their customer database
Staff at their office is very rude . They speak to you very well till you pay them they will follow you up for payments but when ever there is a complaint they dont even think about taking our complaint . They just want is your money then they dont even care what ever you do . I would like to say this builder is not fit for it . So dont ever try to buy any property from him.
My final review ratings : 1/5