After so many film incarnations of Philip K. Dicks
futuristic sci-fi thrillers being turned into very Hollywood, if still entertaining outings
(Minority Report, Blade Runner and the less than satisfying Paycheck) its nice
to see one which remains very true, to the trippy, paranoid and drug addled
tone of Dicks story. The trailers of this
films was way too cool, animation mixed with live action , then I learnt
that it was called Rotoscoping - a process by which actors are filmed and then
each individual frame is taken and layered over with animation. This film has
rich style and even richer substance, but then it’s not for everyone.
Bob Arctor (Keanu Reeves) has a big problem. He is an
undercover agent, supposed to be fighting the spread of a drug called substance
D, but he is also a user of the drug himself. Its the future and the drug is
spreading steadily, despite the police forces efforts. Bob hangs out with his
friends James Barris (Robert Downey Jr.), Ernie Luckman (Woody Harrelson),
Charles Freck (Rory Chochran), and girlfriend Donna (Winona Ryder), in day
after day of meaningless adventure, all the while popping pills incessantly.
Then, when he gets to work, Bob turns into Fred, disguised in a special garb,
who watches video footage of himself and others to try to nail the top dogs of
the drug pushers. Sometimes, he wistfully recalls his former wife and two
daughters. What is ahead for Bob? Why are they forever sending him to doctors
to monitor his brain function? Will they soon realize he is a big user himself
and arrest him?
Character development is negligible. Acting is very good all
around - with Reeves doing just about right to fit his role perfectly. Woody
Harrelson as his druggie friend is wittyand funny. Winona Ryder as Arctors
incredibly drug-addicted girlfriend falls the slightest bit short and Robert
Downey Jr , Easily walks away with the film as a fast talking, paranoid and
deceptive addict.
A Scanner Darkly is, in one word: weird. Its unlike any
movie I have seen before, If you dont like weird movies, you will most likely
hate A Scanner Darkly. It is one of the trippiest movies Ive ever seen. So,
there you go. Do I recommend this movie? Umm... no. Well, yes, but only for
sci-fi fans or stoners. Not for the average viewer.