The novel A Stone for Danny Fisher by Harold Robbins is the story of wonderful life.Life is bright, life is enchanting, life is magical.
To a young man of great potential life seems like a superb dream.He believes that if he works hard anything is possible.But the big, bad world creates problems for the confident, focussed youth.He is cut off from the people and institutions that we take for granted-family, home and parents.Still, the young man struggles and is optimistic about emerging triumphant.
Danny Fisher is a young man whom you can find anywhere in the world.Hard-working, intelligent and full of ideas.We want that these Danny Fishers to succeed because they are bold, talented and resourceful.But the manipulating, experienced adults want to rule the world.They want to eliminate the likes of Danny so that they can rule the world through dull, nervous dependents who are afraid to take on the onslaught of impossible odds.When Danny Fisher dies hope and optimism lose one of their representatives.
To the story.On his eighth birthday Danny Fisher moves into a new house in Brooklyn.His father owns a drugstore.Danny loves the new house.As the years go by Danny becomes a good boxer.The school coach Sam Gottkin believes he will become a prize fighter someday.Sam leaves the school and works in a hotel.Danny works the summers with him.Gradually Danny becomes a well-known boxer.Sam wants him to turn pro and pays five thousand dollars for the same.
Dannys father is going through a lean patch.The family moves out of their much-loved house.To help his father Danny takes five hundred dollars from Maxie Fields to throw a fight.But he wins the match and his father does not allow him to enter the house.He goes to Coney Island and lives for two years with Fields waitress Sarah(Ronnie).
Sam Gottkin becomes Sam Gordon and marries Danny?s sister Mimi.Sam is now a big businessman.When Danny comes back he marries his longtime girlfriend Nellie.
The rest of the story traces how Danny Fisher loses everything including a daughter and then uses Sam to become rich.As he is cheated he thinks Sam is to blame.But it is with Sam?s help that his son comes into the world.The novel ends as Danny is about to move into his old house.