It was the best of times, it was the worst of times. This opening line has been quoted innumerable times. It has been repeated in other books, on television, in movies. I have run across it everywhere, but had not read the book. So I finally read it, and am glad I did.
I knew the basic story. Dickens is not one of my favorite authors, but to teach my school going cousin I took this book. I enjoyed the book although its not an exceptional one. The story of Sydney Carton shows how even the most unexpected person can change.
The characters were not well fleshed out, in my opinion. Lucie, her father, and Charles Darnay are two dimensional people, for the most part. Charles does come to life once he decides to return to France. The setting and the French Revolution do come together well. I was appalled at the atrocities the revolutionists committed after all their complaints against the aristrocracy. After years of being downtrodden, their bloodthirst was extremely high.
Other characters received more attention than may have been necessary. Mr. Stryver helped save Darnay from being hanged as a spy in England. He also helped set up Cartons character. Yet the scene with his intention to marry Lucie was extraneous and unnecessary. I hope that is left out of the abridged versions.
This classic novel stands the test of time. It is a good read, and gives great insight into human memories and reactions. A Tale of Two Cities is a good book if youre REALLY into historical things.