I went to watch Aabra Ka Dabra with a bunch of neighbourhood kids[their christmas treat!], & came out with mixed feelings. The younger kids aged 5-8 seemed to enjoy it while slightly older kids 10-12 were slightly bored.[they had watched the harry potter movie].
I was woken up from my colourful 3D daze thanks to the specs by an item number done by the villian a lady magician to seduce the imprisoned magician to give her the formula for exilir of life !!! I just about recovered to watch with horror Prabhu Devaa & co. dancing shoes & hot pants all in front of a gigantic Nataraja idol.
The director Dheeraj Kumar makes an appearance in the song [maybe to invoke the Lords blessings to change the fortunes of the movie].
As for the storyline go watch Harry Potter & the Philosophers Stone. Oh & dont miss the shameless advertising throughout the first half.[the cost of the movie recovered].
Recommended only for kids below eight.