Past:- In past before 3-4 year ago this channel was good & provided a lot of great news & many other knowledge.
Present:- Now a days this a fake channel for news & this a money making news channels, in this channel always adds available for long duration.
AAj tak was the first fastest new channel previous & now a days ABV news is a one of the best news channel.
I think now a days a few people watch the aaj tak & other watch the others channels.This channel launched in 2000.initially this channel was free of cost & after some year this was converted in paid channel.
Aaj tak not a good channel & not a very knowledgeable channel as compare with ABV New this is a low chanels in a short program many time many adds consist. we have this from many years, whenever we start the channel always find adds.
If I start this channel my other family members change the channel because of the adds.
This channel repeat their news again & again no meaning full news deliver.
I never like this channel & you can play games or sleep but you no need to watch this, every times repeat the new & adds again & again,
I have checked this is a low rating channel & now a days no one like this because the performance and service of this channel, this is a money making channels and never donate the money to any charity & any social works as I know.
In this channel no any useful news consist always showing adds adds & adds this adds is the source of money of the channels this channel provide the add in low cost thats why many companies pointed to this channel for advertising and in this channel all low quality brands promote their products.
This a time wasting channel & in many cases of india & many truth of the many case never show. This a very poor channel & no need to pay money for this.
this is a add channel not a news channel, this a very waste channel, we have to block this channel & this channel never provide the news in a short line & repeat their line again & again, we always irritate by this one minute of news show in 45-60 minutes without any important.
thanks a lot for reading.