AAJTAK was once regarded as a reliable news channel which gave correct and timely news. However, the channel has left its professionalism and gone awry. The radius of news is limited to Delhi, Mumbai and its people. Useless news items are glamorised without any aim. One glance at AAJTAK is good enough for the day. I dont miss the channel anymore. One wonders, are these the only news available in such a huge country or the AAJTAK staff & reporters have left their jobs? The repetition, poor news atiquettes, irrelevant news coverages, on-stage drama by ill-informed anchors are the culprits. This channel "also shows news in between the ads!" The news means NORTH-EAST-WEST-SOUTH and not only Page-3 and obscure politicians faces.
This is the case with most news channels but AAJTAK was supposed to be the best. The reporters should be more mature, intelligent, informed and have good command over the language. They should know what to ask while interviewing.
Watching AAJTAK makes one believe that we are a nation of people with below average intelligence. The "Crime News" is rather bizzare, reminds me of "Manohar Kahaniyan" and "Satyakatha" of yesteryears bestsellers, rather unfit for children. The commercial breaks are too frequent and annoying.
Please wake up to improve the quality of news reporting and you shall be the leader once again.