Aakash Packing & Shipping Co. Complaints - Charging Premium but not insuring goods for all risk View all Aakash Packing & Shipping Co. complaints
https://consumercomplaints.in/img/mail.gif" width=14> Send email Charging Premium but not insuring goods for all risk. I had transported my household goods from Pune to Sitapur (UP) against BL No. 001788 dated 21.08.07 from through
M/S Aakash Packing & Shipping Co.
(Moving Emotions World-wide Door to Door) All India Network Details, 15 Offices All Over India and got the goods insured for damages during transit, etc. and also paid premium @ 3% of the value of the insured items- Rs. 132150/=
The following items were broken in transit:
1) The glass of book self was broken in pieces.
2) The handle of two sofa side chairs cracked/ broken.
3) The back rest of the wooden/ dining chair broken.
5) One self of the steel utensil stand broken.
6) Five show pieces broken.
7) Plastic tub and a plastic cello box broken.
8) Dent on the refrigerator.
I had to incur an expenditure of Rs. 3525/= for repairs / replacement of the above items. After several requests the transporter and packer- Aakash Packing & Shipping Co. forwarded the photocopy of the policy. I lodged the claim for breakage of the above items with the United Insurance Company Ltd. Lucknow on the strength of the photocopy of the insurance policy sent by Aakash Packing & Shipping Co. and were advised by them (vide their letter No. 080100/SDM/252/2007 dated 17.10.07 ) that the insurance policy in question covers only basis risk cover and does not cover any damage due to breakage during road transit of the insured items though I had paid premium @ 3% of the value of the insured items and applicable service tax for issuing All risk Policy for goods under transit.
The company though had taken full premium in cash from me for All risk Policy for goods under transit but it did not obtain the requisite policy and covered the goods under its own master policy which did not cover the risks for which it had charged premium from me. As already advised, for which I had paid full premium to your company but it had misappropriated the same. In view of the above I request Aakash Packing & Shipping Co. to please refund the premium charged from me. Alternatively, it may reimburse me the cost of repairs/replacement of the goods transported through
Aakash Packing & Shipping Co.
(Moving Emotions World-wide Door to Door)..........All India Network Details..........15 Offices All Over India..........
and broken in transit.
However despite assurances, oral and in writing, the company neither refunded the premium charged to me nor compensate me for the breakage in transit.I also reproduce the email sent by Aakash Packing & Shipping Co assuring that they would credit Rs. 2000 in my bank a/c for the lapse but nothing has been done till date.
Asst. General Manager
(District Development)
Mohalla Shivpuri, Mall Road
Sitapur-261 001
Mob. 9453004953
From: Aakash Packing & Shipping Co
To: arun_kapoor60@yahoo.co.in
Sent: Tue, 18 December, 2007 12:45:17 PM
Subject: Your Claim
Dear sir,
Everything is clear from our side we apologies for the delay the payment will be transfered in your account by 22.12.07 Positively.
Customer care.
Aakash Packing & Shipping Co.
(Moving Emotions World-wide Door to Door)..........All India Network Details..........15 Offices All Over India..........
Mumbai 28525091, Pune 25824121, Hyd 65219991, Bnglor 41699364, Chennai 32522245, Lucknow 2434096, Kolkata 30600654, Bhopal 9329272192, Ahm 27486960, Delhi 65170351, Jaipur 3234152, Chandigarh 9356786444, Dehradoon 3201830, Kochi 9387623535.
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