Silence speaks volumes. However clichéd it may sound, at times you do experience it. Today, when I came out of the theatre after watching Aamir, I experienced it. There was a silence with me - unbearable, unthinkable, unwanted too because I could notice that it was disconnecting me with the world around me.
And all this was because I actually wanted to talk about Aamir. This movie, ladies and gentlemen, is indescribable. I really am searching for words. Terrific. Master craft. Wonder of cinema (and a marvel of music. Aamir has the kind of background score that clinches you, suc*s you in its groove and haunts you till the end scroll. )
Make room, dear friends. Here is what we can doubtlessly call work of art. Aamir is a low budget film, the interval happens in 40 mins., film ends in an hour after that and these 100 odd minutes pack up the best that movie making can offer. I might sound repetitive and you may complain that I have still not got down to the content of the movie, allow me to say this - this is how you make a movie!
This is how you build the characters, this is how you operate the camera, this is how an actor (Rajeev Khandelwal, welcome sir and take the seat - actors i.e., please dont
start working on six packs!) make you feel the pain, this is how cameraman
shows the story, this is how director controls every inch of the reel and
this is how you offer an experience to the viewers and not just make them munch
the popcorn by reducing film making to a two hrs dose of action and sleaze.
It has been long since
Johny Gaddar gave us the best of the shots. Aamir, I must say, lands in the
league of extraordinary film making with enviable confidence.
There is no way I am
going to tell you anything about the story. In one line, it is one mans unsought,
frightful journey in the bylanes of Mumbai following his arrival at Mumbai
international airport where a death trap is waiting for him. And this is a kind
of Mumbai, that is never seen before. I dare say that this Mumbai is worth
watching even for the substantive filmmakers like Ramgopal Varma and Anurag
Kashyap. There are torn buildings and shredded faces and a neatly dilapidated
life and the camera actually does the talking. Some shots are incredibly
brilliant, which include a couple of short fight scenes. Boy! I wonder how did
they do it?
Rajeev Khandelwal
delivers a power packed performance. Its about the protagonists inner
conflict, which he has been able to showcase very very effectively. Watch out
especially for the climax scene. You actually move with him, feel his anguish,
can relate with him and get awestruck with the choice that he makes in the end.
Other characters, some of whom we have seen, many of them we have not seen yet,
do their bit with perfection.
Aamir is inspired by a Filipino
film Cavite, but kudos to Rajkumar Gupta, as he has shown Aamir to the makers
and has got a no-objection certificate from them. This, actually is something
that does not come easy to me, because however great a movie is, if the roots
remain somewhere else, it becomes difficult to enjoy the splendor of the
blossom. This happened with Shaurya (inspired by A few good men) also. But
then, Aamir is an amazingly outstanding work and moreover, obtaining permission
from the makers is a gesture that wipes off all the doubts regarding
Efforts by lensman
Alphonse Roy (a wildlife cinematographer and debuting with Aamir) are
captivating. If this is a debut, then one can possibly make out what to look
for in his next film. I actually could not get enough of a particular chase
sequence. It was painstakingly shot and ended just when I was demanding for
more run. And that was it. Take a bow, Mr. Roy and Mr. Gupta, for the perfect
Editing by Aarti Bajaj
(Black Friday) is sleek, cut to the point and screenplay is so powerful that
you cannot take your eyes off. Alongside, ladies and gentlemen, comes the music
of Aamir. With your eyes, your ears too are glued to the screen. Be it the
upbeat track during the titles or Amit Trivedis brilliant compositions that
work literally as a narrator, it rocks!
Aamir is arguably the
best debut so far by a director, cinematographer and actor. We must applaud the
effort because this is some serious cinema where camera, lights and action MEAN
camera, lights and action. This is the cinema where these words do not lose
their sheen by a star or debut of a star kid backed by media management. This
is the cinema where cinema talks for itself and not for the stars!