Before I review this movie I must bring to public notice, the reply of Ms Amisha Patel to the question about why Aap Mujhe Acche Lagne Lage did not do well...
These days people dont appreciate simple love stories any more. They have corrupt minds, so they didnt like it.
Caution: Anyone under 18 must not read ahead, this has been written by someone with a corrupt mind
What I heard before I saw it...
Roshan Jr. had to do a lot of body building for the second half of the film (More muscles! Ladies... kindly swoon)
Roshans rise in the last half an hour, resulting the fall of the baddies was likened to a Phoenix (Sincerest apologies to the magical bird)
This movie was to be the second KNPH (Kaho Na Pyar Hai for the less inclined)
Story... in excruciating detail (we all know why excruciating ;)
Suraj (Roshan Jr), is an engineering student and is out with his friends when gunmen attack Amisha Patel travelling in her car to a friends wedding. Hrithik Roshan saves her but she is soon carried off by her men and Roshan doesnt get a chance to talk to her. He apparently falls in love with this damsel in distress. His friends find out (using yahoo personals?) that Amisha is the daughter of a gangster. She does not go to college and is not allowed to venture out without protection. You see, shes the bird in danger, the closely guarded jewel of the household. Since the Navratra season is on, the hero and his ever faithful buddies set up shop in her house as a music band for the Navratras. He gets to meet her for 9 days (alas thtz how long navratras last... too bad its wasnt ramzaan). They sing different songs, one for each day of the navratra and fall madly in love.
When Amishas family comes to know and opposes their affair, the duo runs away. Roshan keeps Amisha in his boys hostel but has to face much resistance from his fellow students who fear for their own lives when pitted against a gangster (quite obviously). Amisha explains to them that she is a museebat (problem) for everyone. She talks about how shes been a problem for her parents, her brother, Suraj and now the entire college. Her emotional blackmail works wonders as the entire college now unites and fights against her father, hockey sticks et al.
Amisha is finally brought back home as her father says hes now ready to solemnise Roshan and her marriage. She buys it (how dumb can one get!)
However, once a baddy, always a baddy. The father tries to get Roshan killed, hes almost dead.... but wait... the Phoenix factor comes into play and Roshan rises from the ashes.. er.. blood n sweat? He comes back with renewed strength in a matter of minutes... its the strength of love you see. Meanwhile Amisha poisons herself when she hears that her lover has been murdered, which isnt true for she is in love with the Phoenix itself! Thats about all I can put down here, Im sure youve formed an opinion of the movie by now, that is if you actually read this.
The Acting
There was none. Roshan simply gazed at his beloveds face.. smitten. He then fought the evil to enable his love to triumph.
As for Ms Patel, she was clearly a delight to watch, for she had no more than four minutes worth of dialogues. So much for dialogue delivery. Come to think of it, I doubt if she spoke at all. I guess their dubbing finance fell through. She shivers and breathes sharply whenever any sensible dialogue is required.
The Songs
I have always believed that music and beauty is something one cannot judge. What I hate you might love, so why fret. The music is average by Bollywood standards.
The High Points
Amishas scenes... all she did was hyperventilate in them. I guess she was asthamatic.
The way Roshan looks at his beloved. Well, it is kinda cute (forgive me)
They think were stupid
An almost dead hero comes back to save his beloved and kill the baddies (its the 21st century, for cryin out loud!)
Amisha isnt allowed to go to college or to meet anyone, yet she is able to meet him for 9 days under her dads nose (bollywood ishtyle expression, my friends, kindly translate) and eventually run away with her beloved.
Reasons to watch
A big fan of Roshan or Amisha (get a life!)
A desire to write a review
Liked the promos (yea right!)
For time pass
Reasons to stay away
The story, very predictable.
The acting (even I cud do better... got any doubts?)
Too sugary and dreamy. I mean, the guy falls for her even though they never speak... how beauty obsessed can one get!
Id rather clean my room than watch this one again, you should go do the same.