Well Friends, God Heavens , on what ocassion did I plan to go to the movie Aap Mujhe Ache Lagne Lage. The movie is bull shit. How come a leading newspaper like Times Of India give 3 star rating to such a havoc movie (It was not reviewed by Khalid Mohamed or otherwise it would have recieved * only).
We friends were tempted by this 3 star rating and entered into the cinema hall with much expectations. The first half where the stars are introduced to us and to each other is so boring and so childish that even a boy or a girl who is studying in standard 5th can predict what the next dialogue will be. Theres one seen where rhitik tries to ring up amisha from a 1 rupee local phone and she doesnt lift it up, still our hero is asking for coins from his friends. If the bledy phone is not getting picked up from the other end , how come his coins are getting wasted ? There is nothing else that I can mention. Dont go for the movie have a sound sleeo instead Thanks Manjeet