Now a days the Bollywood music scene is totally polluted with Reshamiya music. Hats off to the judges who have awarded Aashiq Banaya Apne a song sung in such a repulsive voice. We have so many talented music directors like A. R. Rahman, Ismail Darbar, Sandeep Chowta( where has he gone?), Anand Raj Anand, MM Kreem, Shankar Ehsan Loy and many more and then why the producers and music company are buying his kind of music , it is very difficult to understand.
His music and his voice are being forced on our people. He has very cleverly crafted his way to the Bollywood scene and now after being somewhat established he wants to storm the industry with his as many films and as many songs sung by himself as it is possible for him as he knows it is not going to last for a long time. I pray to the God to save our film music from this pollution.