Eventhough “Aapko Pehle Kahi Dekha Hai” makes you think “Aap Ko Kai Baar Dekha hai” it has some interesting moments.
The Cast
Piyanshu - has improved a lot from his earlier film “Tumbin” he does a matured and controlled acting with good expressions
Saakshi – does justic e to her role, goes over board in some scenes
Faridajalal – The best lady in the whole group
Ompuri – The most dependable & adorable actor of the pack.
The rest of the cast are also equally impressive. Sajeel the young boy needs special mention.
The Crew
The Cinematographer gets full marks for his excellent camera works followed by Nikhil –Vinay for some hummable music ( although not good as Tumbin)
The editing is better in first half turns out little loose in second half with a couple of songs placed wrongly.
Other departments have contributed generously for the film which makes it technically OK
The Direction
Tumbin Director Anubhav Sinha has done lot of homework before making this film, technically its better than “Tum bin”. The director has captured the father-daughter relationship well with lighter moments. The subplot (villan track) seems like a forced addition as it does not do much to the film. The Climax is abrupt and the whole second half of the film is sore. It would have been better if the director had woked more on the Basic script.
APKDH is an ordinary film with some hummable music and good cinematography which fully depends on one man”OM PURI”. Its not a must see movie, but still watchable because we have seen worse flicks like “Kehta hai dil baar baar” and “Talaash” recently.