Though its remake of original Malayalam.. MANICHITRAZAL...a last wonderful performance by soundarya(late). This film about split personality. really takes us into a journey of suspense tunnel...where we will forget about ourself..and involve in the mistry of visual magic. Soundarya wife of ramesh orphan with no essence of love in her life... before the entry of ramesh in her life. interested in dance and other good activities.
Ramesh comes to a village where he is involved in R&B work.... They stay in a old jamindari building. The story of the film starts from here this building .. one room is looked forever. and rules are restricted that no one should open that room.
Soundarya interestingly and darely opens the doors of the room and comes to know the secrets of the hidden room. From now onwards a series of unfortunate events happen in their house balming of teh daughter of watchmen.Prema did that role.
The last 20 minutes of the film takes us to the peak performance of soundary as NAGAVALLI(the dual split personality character of soundarya) Now some thing about nagavalli .. nagavalli is a dancer in one of the kings court in the past era of those perior of kings and kingdoms in karnataka. she hails form Andhra pradesh.. the king desires her in every aspects...she wants a personel life and loves a music teacher who just stays in front of their. Bungalow.. Knowing about this the king burries her lover by setting fire in front of her.. and this hurts her for the rivelry and dies without taking revenge on the king. Now soundarya being a similar to the ideas and views of nagavalli read a book related to her. Now the entire film is about how she takes revenge on the king. The revenge of past in the present. Vishnu vardhan did a great job dealing soundarya ....and sets everything cool.
a great film of this year it ...!!
The song raa raa raa raa... nanu oka sari manasara chudara ( come come come come my dear see me atleast waiting for u since long time ...i want to share a lot of things of my lonelyness which made me empty with out u all these days....)
is superb listen listen.. the music by guru kiran is extraordinary...!
its been great for me to work with him .. for my last kannada film...!