With the advent of pesticides in our soft drinks, we did not waited a single moment to look for other safer drinking alternatives. At this moment, how many people even trust the bottled water quenching our thirst ? This is probably because the largest selling bottled water brand is coming from the stable of these cola manufacturers. So people started looking for the other alternatives ? A few shifted to fresh fruit juices, a few jostled to packed fruit juices...But, I was sitting comfortable with sipping my Aarey Lassi with peace of mind ! I will speak of Lassi first : Lassi : Lassi is the famous milk derived drink in India. Not to mention, it is one of the most popular drink considering its nutritional value and great taste. Popularised by State of Punjab, its presence is spanned through the country. The lassi does not require major formula or secret ingredient to prepare it. It also does not require any sophisticated machinery to prepare. Making a lassi is any childs play. A cupful of curd, some sugar and small quantity of water maked my cuppa of lassi. Aarey Lassi : Aarey is one of the modern milk colonies in India based in Mumbai. Aarey is situated at Ghodbunder Road, 20 kms. away from Mumbai. Bulk of organised markets milk supply in Mumbai is accounted by aarey. Spirit of Retailing : Even before Walmart started advocating the fundas of Retailing, Aarey put their feet forward in the world of Retailing by establishing hundreds of Authorised vending stalls in the nooks and corners of Mumbai. Lassi being a derivative of Milk is a perishable product and Aarey takes its care. Every stall selling Aarey Lassi has a huge refrigerating machine to take care of that perishable thing. It also makes sure that ur servings are cool to beat the heat. The Aarey also takes care of changing the old stock before someone starts omitting ! They know the business they are into and also care for the health of their consumer. Price : Its absolutely for the common man pricing. Now a days, its costs only Rs.7 for a quantity of 250 ml. The price considering its basic ingredient i.e. milk and its ever-increasing cost has not deterred the quality overtaking the price. Aarey although has increased its price from Rs. 6 to Rs. 7. Serving : It is served in a uniquely designed glass bottle. Not to mention that the bottle is sealed. In fact, the seal of the bottle is opened before you, giving you an assurance that nothing is mixed after the seal is broken. Social Cause: The stalls of Aarey are always given to the Local Residents of Mumbai whereby Aarey meets its social commitments. Availability : It is available all across the Mumbai via Aareys own outlets. Taste : Trust me, it tastes great. Sweet enough to give you instant enengy and liquid enough to have it by straw. I prefer Aarey Lassi over other lassis beacuse of its price, taste, availablilty and hygiene. Believe me, it can even compete with the so celebrated punjabi dhabas lassi !