I bought this product when I my mom was not at home, and because of that I have to buy readymade Atta so that I can make roti by my own.
I have seen many advertisements about this product and I was curious as they are saying that it has whole grain, fiber etc etc.
Thats the only reason I chose to buy this one on others.
I dont have any issue about their whole grain, fiber challenge, even I dont see any problem with the price because they are giving readymade atta so we cant complain about that.
But I have a problem with the taste and the texture of the roti(I know how to make roti and I have made it also with other atta or regular atta and its perfect, so this was not my fault as my mother also tried it and she also felt the same).
I have a issue that the particles of atta are little bit big as compared to the local atta, because of that the teast of the roti is changed and the texture also, if you kept roti open for 2-3 min also then also it gets little bit hard to chewing
I have this issue because other brands are having different category for this this is very good brand and they also should provide us variety as Gujrathi and Marathi are two different types of peoples and they prefer different types of eating habit.
Please dont get me wrong.All I wont to say is they should provide different category so that all can prefer it.
Recommended for all, because it is not a bad product, I just had a bad experience.