I am using ABC Broadband bb service form April 2012. my consumer id: 1106148600. I bought their data package 60 GB data for 20 months for Rs 3000. Since day 2 it was giving connectivity problem. Most of the times login page was not loading. when call their cust care(or fish market?) they have same answer their network tower got technical issue and will be rectified within 24 hrs. some times it taken week long time to rectify the tower issue.
Even if it is fixed also it is for few days only. theirs only positive thing was less price for 60 gb data for Rs 3000.
Now From 15 Aug 13, they have stopped my a/c to accessing internet saying my data usage is almost over. after 15 aug 13 I didnt access internet from their network.
Finally I wrote mail and asked them to mail my internet usage history. on 21st Aug, ABC Broadband mailed the usage history in excel format. for my surprise grand total data usage was 58.6GB and still 1.4GB data was there in my a/c but before consuming 60 GB data they suspended my a/c. since last two days I calling their cust care officer. they just say your a/c data limit exhausted.
If I tell about their email regarding usage history, total no.of months over or package expired. its for total 20 months and if ask how its expired? They say wait we check your a/c many times for our question and finally disconnect without giving proper answer. Its happened several times. they not replying for email also. So I suggest before you take ABC Broadband BB think twice.
Everyday they just keep on sending messages and emails please recharge your a/c like that but dont bother to solve our issues.