Shame on Indian Media
Dear Editors of HT, TOI, IndianExpress and The Hindu, I got the mail below from a friend of mine and following the unwritten code of conduct, I am forwarding it to my friends but all efforts of people who have been forwarding this mail would go waste if this mail doesnt reach YOU.
Something to think about.!
Shame on Indian Media? Really what a shame.
By the time u guys read this news, the body of Major Manish Pitambare, who was shot dead at Anantnag, would have been cremated with full military honors.
On Tuesday, this news swept across all the news channelsSanjay Dutt relieved by court.Sirf Munna not a bhai13 saal ka vanvaas khatamalthough found guilty for possession of armory, Sanjay can breath sigh of relief as all the TADA charges against him are withdrawn Then many personalities like Salman Khan saidHe is a good person. We knew he will come out clean. Mr Big B said "Dutts family and our family have relations for years hes a good kid. He is like elder brother to Abhishek". His sister Priya Dutt said "we can sleep well tonight. Its a great relief"
In other news, Parliament was mad at Indian team for performing bad; Greg Chappell said something; Shah Rukh Khan replaces Amitabh in KBC and other such stuff. But most of the emphasis was given on Sanjay Dutts "phoenix like" comeback from the ashes of terrorist charges. Surfing through the channels, one news on BBC startled me. It read "Hisbul Mujahidins most wanted terroristSohel Faisal killed in Anantnag , India . Indian Major leading the operation lost his life in the process. Four others are injured.
An aggrieved citizen