*Amidst the commercial exploitation and competition in health sector, Abhijay Hospital in Perambur area is twinkling like a pole star in the dark sky.
Im very happy to see this hospital growing in front of my eyes. An ordinary hospital with few beds, and little infrasructures few years back is now with an emergecy room, two operation theaters(one minor and one major), a dedicated dept.for cardiology, a full fledged lab, an xray dept, an ICUand most importantly a canteen which serves quality food at affordable rates is a brain child of its Managing Director and the most HUMANE DOCTOR ive ever come across.
When most of the hospitals trying to squeez the common mans pocket, here is a DOCTOR who follows strict ethics to be very reasonable and soothing to ailing people. Here is a rare DOCTOR who is accessible even during nights on his mobile to provide solutions or remedies. To cap all, Here is a DOCTOR who diagnoses so precisely thus saving patients hard earned money. I sincerly pray GOD to be with *Dr. Lakshmanan Saravanan And his wife to serve mankind for many years to come.