I cant forget this Mall in my life time . You know why .I gave suprise to my girlfriend by taking her to this Mall on her birthday .Are you thinking whats there in this right? She had been to many malls . She will be very upset & boring .always standing near the balconies .
Seeing all the peoples pass by .When I tried to divert her by talking also she rarely talks . She had no interest to window shop also .On her birthday I didnt plan for any suprise location . I had no choice other than Malls . I thought that day will be her worst day . But fortunately I took her to Abirami mall . In the entrance itself she began to enjoy seeing Icecream cone small shops . Children were running from this side to side playing together .
Then first we tried the 7D movie . It was for 20 mins I suppose . She is actually soft & silent natured .But when the film started she shouted .Started to play with special effects like when bubbles near us, she was catching it .The seats were moving up & down then seats were shaking . sudden brake . It was listen suddenly below the seats something was scratching the legs . She screamed literally .It didnt hurt it was like tickling.Suddenly Rained .Snowed .3D effects .wow .Full of Entertainment . we came out laughing
Then went for Kissing cars . It was on a week day so no crowd . only we two was there . dashed the cars .Burst out with Laughter . Then the Snow world .No one was there only we two . Throwed snow at each other . Took photo from their organisation .Paid some amount not costly .Then some window shopping .Then went to games section . played all funny games . Had lunch at the food court .Evening watched a horror movie .Full day spent at this mall. Energy was top . its Unique mall . had memorable times spend in this mall . Started to visit many times .Not costly when compared to other malls. Thanks to Abirami Mall .