I think this bank is not clear with Market, earlier my card was charged with annual fee which was asured by rep. that it is a free card. Now I am getting calls that please pay Rs.2000/- and get this card free for another 2 years. In todays senario where every one is offering life time free card, they are asking for fee.I have requested them to get this card cancelled but I know it will be not be cancelled and again I will recieve the statement. With this review I would like to request the Bank to cancell my card, and they may contact me at my e-mail add. avi1968@rediffmail.com , or I may be contacted at 9899299143.Ealier also I wrote my comments in same coloumn and thanked I got a good response.Response from ABN AMROs call center is also not good and lot of time it says busy with other customer and will attend soon, but that soon gets over with disconnection tone.
Avinash Kawatra