I had. a Freedom ABN card in 2005. At that time I was in chennai. In 2006 I suddenly received an unsolicted gold card ïn lieU"of this card.
I was asked to pay rs 3000 as charges. I informed through call centre my resentment in being given card with a fee and not given a chance to buy or reject.I aso informed htem about my cancellation
I tore the freedom card and with aletter for cancellation. For 3 years no news from the bank. I moved to bahrain in sept 2009. Suddenly spate of calls to my house from Delhi call cnetre asking me to pay rs 5680 including interest.
My family members gave me my number. One senthil called up from delhi. He having known baout my NRI gave a veiled threat saying that my name will be in defaulter list and my passport will get impounded
I patiently explained to him and told him to let me know my transaction for whcih the amount is claimed. I alsow anted to know what had happened for 3 years. I told him to send me my card number and also the outstanding deatils.
There has been no response from them. But calls still keep coming to my house. I always use my credit cards as debit card and such calls deeply distress and cause great mental agony.
If any one in ABN AMRO cards read this please let me have my statement atleast. if they can prove that some billsa re unpaid I will pay immediately. but is it only the Annual fee charged by bank for a non existent card