I have been a regular reader of this website and finally I found a product & service so unsatisfactory that I decided to contribute to this website via a review that may help others.
I have been a user of various credit cards like Citibank, ICICI and Standard-Chartered for past eight years and I have never faced any problems with them. Though their interest charges are high but if one makes timely payments they can be an additional financial comfort tool. However for the first time I came across a bank that just crossed all limits!
I started getting calls for subscription for a LIFE TIME FREE credit card from ABN AMRO about six months back. Finally an executive from this bank came and met me and I filled up the form. Their GOLD card arrived in a few days and I also started using the same. The harassment starts here!!!
Almost every day I started getting calls from their customer care and other agencies hired by them. These calls were from various call centers based in Delhi. They would start by saying that there is a FREE offer from ABN AMRO bank where in I get two free air- tickets anywhere across India and that I have to use the same in a period of six months. I knew that the same is too good to be true so I asked them to send me the offer via email. They say that they cannot send an email!!! Is this a bank of illiterates??? How ever I was called about five times for this offer and every time my reply was the same. Finally one of these guys tells me that he will send the offer to me by courier. I consent.
I do not receive any offer by courier but the next month’s statement carries a debit of Rs. 4000. I call up their customer care and inform them of this mistake. The executive at the other end is very courteous and he says that he will put in a request to reverse the amount. I am satisfied as he has also given me a request number.
I make the regular payment and wait for the next call from them. Another executive calls me and says that the same air ticket offer is now available for Rs. 2500. I tell him clearly that I am not interested in the same and that they should reverse the entire amount to which he agrees. I feel that it is an honest mistake and that the bank will rectify it.
In the mean while I get calls from the bank for a FREE UPGRADE to their titanium card which is again a LIFE TIME FREE CARD. I ask them to email me the details. However I receive a card at my residence in a weeks time!!! I call the customer care and they say that they have upgraded me.
I give them the information for the activation of the new card (Which I believe is a free card and a free upgrade as I have transacted for more than Rs 60000 in three months on this card with an immaculate payment record)
The real Surprise came with the latest statement which I received day before!!!! They have reversed only Rs. 1500 of the earlier debit for the Air ticket offer and also debited another Rs. 4500 as an UPGRADE FEE!!!!! This is just ridiculous.
Thus now I have Rs. 7000 debited to my credit card account for offers that I have not taken and the upgrade that I didn’t asked for. Also I was not informed of these charges!!!!
I have called the customer service again and they have told me that I will get a call from their executive in next 48 Hours. Also I have got a brand new Request number.:-)
I have decided that I will stop this service as I have serious doubts on this organizations HONESTY. I feel that the mistakes are not honest mistakes but a fraudulent tool to fleece their customers!
I advice you all not to choose this service and that there are better counterparts available in the market who provide really good service.
I advice the owners/ management of the bank to seriously look into the ETHICAL BUSINESS PRACTICES of their organization and to change the callous attitude of their employees who have no respect for other peoples resources and time.
In the mean while I write to you all in anticipation of what might happen with me when I am in such able hands of ABN AMRO BANK!!
Sanjoy Das