I dont know why this bank exists here if they can not give services as per the national needs. They seems to be here for fishing. I had Salary account with ABN Amro bank. Since there are not many branches and ATMs around, I shifted this to some other bank.
Now since it is no more Salaried account, I started going through all the issues.
Once Balance went below 10, 000, They deducted the heavy fines for not maintaining balance.
Every month they send statement and charge Rs. 25. I dont want that, but they still send it.
When you call up the numbers and say stop this, they say our systems are slow can you call after some time.
Now I thought of getting away with all this by taking out all money with cheque withdrawl. I created the cheque as per the amount given in the statement.(I have not deposited or issued any cheque since very long)
Somebody from bank calls up and says your account is short of Rs. 25 since this was deducted for statment.
(I dont even understand why they charge Rs. 25 when they have full blown ABN product ads on this paper on both the sides.)
God! They have not printed the statement, Ive not received the statment, but they have deducted the money. Now What! If you do not deposit Rs. 25 till 12:30pm well bounce this cheque. And you have to deposit this in bank not the ATM. Where are your banks? None in the vicinity, thats the reason I dont want to continue this account.
So if you do not deposit this money by 12:30, cheque will bounce and Well charge you fine for not maintaining balance and issueing cheque.
How Much?
Rs. 395/-
Are you crazy! do you understand what youre saying. You deducted my account by Rs. 25 for the statement Ive not yet received and now because you reduced my balance, you want to fine me for Rs. 395. Do you have any feelings for the customer?
Apart from this Ive to pay Rs. 150 to the bank where I deposited the cheque.
Loss of almost Rs. 550 for the statement cost Rs. 25, which was never printed.
I tried withdrawing all money from ATM, It says you are exceeding the withdrawable limit. So I cannot withdraw all the money from ATM.
I tried calling them for cash delivery to my office. They say "we dont have your office address, we just have name of your company." I literally started laughing on the phone. This is height of disappointment. I had asked for cash delivery earlier to my office many times. Now they dont have my office address. To add that Ive to write a letter on paper and send a hard copy to their bank.
I dont know How Ill get rid of these guys.
I would recommend everyone never ever go to this bank.
They may be good, but when they are bad there is nobody like them.