I have a home loan with ABN AMRO that I took some 3 yrs back. Till date I have identified 3-4 major issues in their loan computation. The good thing is, all issues are rectified but it took hundreds of mail exchange and phone calls and I don’t know how many hours I had spent to prove that they are wrong. Thanks to the computation tools available on net otherwise I wouldn’t have found such issues. If these issues were not rectified my 20 yrs loan would have exceeded 100 Years and yet having outstanding balance.
I don’t know if ABN AMRO does this purposely or they really have defect in their systems but for sure they don’t care if a customer is troubled with all these issues.
Another sad thing with the big brand ABN AMRO Bank is that their staff(I had bad experience with Bangalore staff) is not aware of all the rules and policy of the banks and tries to manipulate as per their convenience and choice. To give an example, my home loan sales agent pushed me to take a FREE gold credit card that was later charged with some 2.5K rupees and surprisingly the Manger of the Credit Card Division in Bangalore was not aware of such scheme and was not ready to reverse the charges. Then after many calls and arranging the conference with sales agent, Bangalore Manager, Delhi Manger they concluded it is for free. The same day I discontinued my card and took a letter from ABN AMRO that there is no outstanding on my card and the card account is closed. Huuuuuuuffff they are really big in creating troubles.
I would suggest don’t ever try any ABN AMRO product including Home Loan, Credit Cards. I am sure all of us wants a peaceful life with least trouble.