ABN AMRO bought over the Bank of America retail business in India and it is good they did so...I had an account with Bank of America and the customer service was bad...you went to the bank and all employees were snooty and snobbish...they gave you a feeling they were doing you a favour by doing your work...All this changed when ABN AMRO took over...Service is terrific and they come out with little little things to make it easy for you...Infact they go out of the way to help you...I deposited a cheque for a large amount in one of the drop boxes but forgot to write my account number on the slip...I called the bank and told them it is important for this cheque to be credited but I have not put my account number...The lady asked me which drop box I deposited it in and she asked the person who collected the cheques to bring this cheque to her...she wrote my account number and deposited it that day only...She also called back to tell me the job is done...Keep it up