Hava a all smiles home loan (floating) from ABN AMRO. There agent was all goody two shoes till we had signed the documents. He promised to deliver the customer copy of the documents in a few days. After that a few months were spent in calling him up and asking for the copy. In the end we went to the bank branch to be told that the copy was LOST.. can you belive that.. Thankfully we got a copy of the Bank documents.
Its been a few years now and interest rates have climbed steeply. What puzzles me is that the interest rates that old custiomers are charged are way higher than what new customers are being promised.. Whay cant there be a parity? New custostomers are being given loans on 9.5% and even 9 % where as old ones are being charged 10.25% (just the plr).
I am just waiting for the 4 year period to finish and then to transfer my loan to some other bank as they charge me 1 % of the amount if I transfer before that. GOD help the customers of this bank. Visited there branch office to find the prevalent rates..no body knew.. they asked to call up the Phone helpline.
Another interesting thing.. had applied for a joint savings account in there bank along with the home loan so that I could service the loan through there own acoount.. turned out they lost the application :)