I needed a certificate from the bank mentioning some details and this certificate was not one of the standard certificates they issue but somewhat customized to my requirement. Genarally, most banks( in fact, most institutions like colleges, companies) do not like to issue certis which fall out the of the listed ones as they do not want to bear resposibility for the same. So, I was kinda prepared that I will have to argue a litte bit. But when I went to the customer care executive, she was extremely helpful in getting this done for me. She told me that it is not a standard certi but she will talk to her senior and let me know. Then and there, she called up and when the senior tried to push out reasons how I can do away without it, she put up the right point as in why the bank cannot issue the certificate.
Finally, I did have the certificate at the end of the day with her help. In fact, I saw most customer care people had a positive approach to the customer problems. Also, even the receptionist who was continuosly on the move ( talking and getting things done) seemed to be very cheerful. It was a wonderful experience to visit this bank. I would be happy if other banks could learn from this bank and aim at getting a smile on the customers face at the end of the day.