Has somebody heard one Pankaj Pachauri on STAR NEWS? The only one who is a shame to the likes of Rajdeep Sardesai, Barkha Datt and the great Pronnoy Roy.
The guy almost gasps for breath every 2 minutes, with monosyllables thrown in, and a lot of aah, aa, aaa type breaks.
Was this guy ever auditioned whether he can actually handle such an important job? Watch him talk to a dignitary and you will know how uninformed he is. Listen to him handling viewer queries and its enough to make one shut off the TV set.
The solace is he knows Hindi as a language. But where to pause and where to lend emotions, that is out of his grasp.
The all-time famous dheemi gati ka samachar bulletin, scores over this guys pathetic verbal antics.
Quit Mr Pankaj, and let viewers rest in peace!