Across. Managers are GODs here. Everyone in the project were supposed to worship and fear the Managers. Anyone not doing so, would be liable for a bad rating. This happened to me.
Being a star performer in my previous companies, I was shocked to see my rating in Accenture. I was eventually put in PIP and all hell broke loose. I was made to submit assignments, give presentations to dumb people, provide my weekly PIP review comments to incompetent managers. I cursed my stars for choosing Accenture for me. During the PIP period for a month, I faced a lot of humiliation and disgust. I had to give written comments telling that I will be obedient to my managers.
I was told by managers to setup the projectors and keep the conference rooms ready for meetings. He insisted that this is also part of team work. I eventually came out of PIP and immediately resigned. I could have resigned when the rating was given, but, that would have made me a coward, so I stayed for 2 months after the rating was given, proved them that they are a class of donkeys and left the company never to join back again.
Friends, my sincere advice is that better be jobless than enter Accenture and get humiliated.