I joined up with Accenture as a Affiliate Application Professional right after my graduating. I was very thrilled and extremely pleased. However, I had such an awful and adverse encounter. I helped almost 1.5 many stop the organization. The emotional harm this organization had done to me during me period is big.
Mangers lie about you, and HRs get it up. I had a issue about these administrator, who humiliated about me and were unprofessionally. I even went to HR brings with my issue. They had written the whole thing off as misunderstandings, miscommunication, perceptional mistake etc.
There is lot of favouritism within the organization. They dont make any move against the supervisors because we are affiliates and they are supervisors.
Most of contacts dont get any great work and profession development is very restricted and filter. You will be stayed with no way up or down. HRs dont proper take good good care of worker fulfillment and will cure you like their slaves.
You got to be fortunate. You have to get a full part, venture and administrator, otherwise you are attached.