This movie resembles the AIRPLANE movies in the sense that ham overacting and heavy parodying of other movies are the order of the day. The shower scene, during which the theme from THE CRYING GAME plays in the background, is a prime example; I didnt get all the jokes in this scene until I saw THE CRYING GAME and understood why Jim Carrey was crying.
Carrey plays a pet detective named Ace Ventura who is investigating the theft of an American football mascot named Snowflake, the mascot of the Miami Dolphins. Sean Young is a police detective who is trying to foil Venturas attempts to investigate the theft at every turn. Young is the one who has the CRYING GAME-style secret which provides such hilarity to those who know what the real joke is.
This is a movie Id recommend to those who understand the differences between American football and other types of football (referred to as soccer here in the United States), and who also are familiar enough with all the other movies this one makes reference to, to be able to get all the jokes without a lot of explanation.