This is myy 1st laptop I used.I think this brand laptop can take heavy load with smooth runing exprience.
specification:- cort2due
2.14 inch screen
3.360 GB HDD
4.screen resulation 1280x800 dpi
5.integrated intel GM 965 vedio card
6.5 in 1 degital media reader
7.4 extra functional key bluetooth, wifi, copy peast, power saving
8.mostly I like its doulby digital saround sound
9.1.3MP low light vedio chating camera
10.2 gb ram it can upgradeble up to 4gb overall its performance is not bad even its low features it can handel games liike crysis in low setting, cod in low setting, cs 1.6 and other low end graphics games smoothly.and mosly its price about 30, 000.i give this laptop 3/5.