This laptop is nice. It is slim and The design is clean and simple, the screen is bright and the colors are vibrant. The sound is well above average for a laptop, but that’s not saying too much. Here you get the best deals in electronics as well as you get variety over here. This laptop has 3rd generation processor. Its powered by Intel i3 processor with 4 Gb DDR# RAM, which is ample for high end softwares, infact it also has an inbuilt graphics card which helps to play high end games very smoothly.
It has also got a hard disk of 750 GB which is enough to save your Television series and movies and backup all your photographs. Its got a very good battery back up it lasts for around 4 hours with continuous use. It has also got 1.3 MP webcam which is quite good, its got 3 USB ports and 1 HDMI slot. It also comes with a CD drive. Its speakers are also decent and its headphones are not that great the one which come along with laptop.
Overall, its an awesome laptop.