Ive had my Acer about a year and half now, Ive replaced it twice under warrenty thru my supplier. I was selling this model drive in my computers, but dont any longer. After problems I personally had with them, I dont want to pass them on to my customers.
Acers CD-Roms seem to have a few problems. Sometimes a cd isnt even detected when inserted.. but you click the drive and it spins up and sometimes appears. Other times is just continues spinning. Then theres the times it just spins and stops and spins and stops again, over and over, with cdr discs this is the most common problem.
Other concerns are that the drive usually dosnt read at full speed, and when it does it really revs up and makes a ton of vibration noise.
Wholesale these units cost about 45.00 and are the same price as a Samsung CDRom. I figure Ill give the other brands a shot now.
I still have my unit in my computer, its unreliable for ripping or copying cds to my burner. But until I find a cheep substitute for it, Ill leave it in, occasionally using it. Ill be using my CD Burner primarily as my cd- rom drive.