Firstly, I am using ACER zte cell phone handset. It is very nice and simple to look. There are 20 buttons are there including all numerics. It is a simple black and white colored screen. This hand sets color is white back cover and black from front . Inside the screen it will be light green light will glow when any activity will happen on this handset. Its volume level is excellent. It"s battery specification is Li-ion G8/T 18287-2000 and running smoothly.
Its inner features are like contact, messages, recent calls, settings, extra, and ukt services. In contacts: we can store more than 600 names, in messages: suppose we want the delete the few messages then we can do it by using delete option, in settings: all display related, tune related, handset related modification we can do, in recent calls: all miss calls list, all incoming & outgoing calls list, with delete option are in recent calls feature, in extra: calender- to checkout the dates with day, month year, games-two Black Jack & Video Poker, alarm- to set alarms for our bussy schedules at any time of movement, scheduler- to set our day, moths dairy according to our suitability, calculator-as we know all what calculator does, yes for all types of arithmetic calculation +, -, x, /, =, %, etc. We can use all these features as per our requirement. I think for normal communication purpose this ACER ZTE is the best one for all section of people.