Admission Process
-Showed us fake pictures of the college and infrastructure that they did not have.
-Paid an agent in our country to lie to us and once the admission was done, the agent was no where to be heard...let alone being contacted..
-The shiitiest and the crowdiest hostel.
-we had to queue int eh morning to have shower...dont know about now...
-I moved in to another hostel and paid 10, 000 more and I was sharing the room with 2 other girls but we had our own toilet cum bathroom.
-Exam was close and we were busy studying and they kicked us out of the hostel to a hostel without windows just because the owners of the college had a fight and they were separating their properties. Which is why at present....there are 2 acharya colleges, one in Peenya and one in sold evanahalli.
Education Quality
-They say that it us up to us if we want to come out with flying colors or not but what if there is no one qualified enough to guide us.
-Let alone education quality, there wasnt enough classes which is why we had to move around within the 2 buildings that the college has. We used to have free periods because there are no classes.
-The teachers used to replaced very now and then and some of them would just read everything from the book....every bit of information...what the heck...I would I pay money to do it.
-Even if someone doesnt attend the class at all, he/she can do the exams if he pays MONEY....what kind of supervision is that....and a very bad trend there...
P.S If you need one of the office personnel to process your files faster, pay him some money under the table and he does it.
By the way, I paid money and some excess money for them to mail me my degree certificate but its almost 2 years and I havent got it yet. Where is the care and service for their student......or service...coz I paid MOENY..
-it is located in the worst location..dusty...factories please go to another collge if you dont want to regret.
-I woudl have recommended it if it atleast cared about their students and studies eventhough they have minus grade infrastructure but everythign there is minus grade.