I had such a laptop, when I first saw it, it looked great. It was taken out fresh out of the box, when I turned on, it didnt. When I connected it to power source it booted with Funny Characters scrolling on screen for approx 1 min., and then I saw a Windows XP logo.
Anyway! the system was up, but a single task like: opening a new Word or Excel document taking too much time.(you can hear the noise of the hard disk accessing, reading, writing data.) But No longer I kept the system up for for 10 Min. The CPU fan started making noise like jet engine (as if I wont hold it on table, it will fly away!). next day I didnt got a table so I kept it my laps. to my horror, my laps were nearly burnt after usage of 15 Min.
My verdict is: Go for any 2nd hand laptop. BUT DONT BUY THIS ONE!