All I wanted to know was why Ive been charged with the late fee for Annual Subscription of the Club and all I got was "Gentleman, you need to read the Club Handbook". Funny, but he was right, as most of us assume that the management will at least advise the members that the fee is due. I got a letter with a late fee as I had not paid my annual dues, however, when I questioned them on when did they send me the first letter to pay my annual dues, they diverted me to the Handbook.
Now thats not funny as Im a new member and have multiple things to take care of in my life and not just make yearly payments to the lifestyle club. Thats why Microsoft invented reminders in Outlook. I made more than 3 lakhs of payment to this club in last 3 months and all I get is a late fee letter for the dues Im not even informed via letter on time.
Ive no option left but to pay my dues and not wait for the Club to remind me even once as Ive the handbook which Im expected to recite to myself every night. I dont feel bad, but Im very Sad with the reply I got from a senior person in their management who seemed to be very practical at the time of selling me this membership.
All I would suggest everybody while getting into such memberships is that :-
1) Ensure that you keep a Payment reminder in your wallet/phone
2) Dont depend on the Clubs management to remind you of your dues.
3) Dont expect them to give you any proofs of letter they have sent as they dont send it anyway.
4) Dont ever try to reach out to the management as you may just get humiliated.
I used to be proud of not making mistakes while investing my money, however, I admit that I should have been more cautious before making this investment. The last but not the least, Im stuck with this Club for next 25 years.
God bless us all!!