I had worst experience with ACT. After checking with few of my friends, though I got mixed feedback, I thought of opting ACT new connection. First of all my details submission through website did not create a request. I had to chat with support person to create a request. They sent a message after creation of request with out request number. Then after two days some support person from my near by area called and transferred request to my location support person in my area.
The support person never responses properly. Actually in my building the ACT box connections are full. They just rejected my request just by saying that as reason. They didnt even try for bringing new box and try to give connection from near by box. Instead, they asked me to get permission from my house owner to put new box as they dont proper communication with him. Later as I was forcing get connection, they said that the new connection will not be given in the area though new boxes were put as the server will not support new connection.
To just reject my request they said this information. Later when I checked about the service they provide with the connection holders of my building, their response was worst. Now one by one trying get terminate the connection.