Not sure if these reviews make a difference. But here goes.Do NOT get lured by the attractive rates and speeds that they claim to provide, its a complete scam. They aggressively market their service without actually having any service in place. We made a payment of 12, 500 for a one year subscription on 04/10/2015. After this we never heard back from them again.
We made 24 calls to the customer care where all their executives have been trained to say, "The problem will be resolved in 24 hours". We also made nearly 15 calls to a "manager" at ACT who was even worse and told even more elaborate lies. On 03/11/2015, after a full month, the manager told us that our money will be refunded as they have no wiring in the area. I stay in Jayanagar, but the situation is the exact same everywhere. You might hear of isolated incidents where people enjoyed the service. But 90% of the times people are either refunded their money or made to wait for a month or more to activate the service. Do not waste your hard earned money and your precious time on this. Opt for some other provider.