ACT took over Beam and completely fu@#ed the only decent and reliable broadband service provider. Not only have the services gone horrible but even the courteous customer care has become a nightmare.
I was with Beam since Aug 2014 and enjoyed the services. since ACT took over they have completely fu@#ed the brand, the services and the experience that Beam gave.
I was recently upgrade from 5 MBPS to 10 MBPS and as you can see from the picture of the Speed Test attached, now I dont even get 1 MBPS leave alone 10 MBPS. These guys are money making cheats who want to fleece you.
So guys please do not go for ACT and please dont waste your money on a once upon a time super BEAM service gone completely bad. SAY NO TO ACT!. I will not aishwaryasingh23 soon as my account runs dry!